Roast chicken with Christmas stuffing

2 hour 0 minute
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Hungarian cooks call the stuffing in this recipe “prád”. It is easy to work with and makes food texture very subtle. It is important, however, to remove all tendons or fatty parts from the chicken breast before processing it, because these will never allow the resulting cream to be absolutely smooth. If some of the stuffing happens to remain unused, make a loaf of it and wrap it into alufoil. Then place it in the roasting tin, right next to the chicken. As it needs less time to be cooked, take it out from the oven after half an hour. Let it cool down in the alufoil, then unwrap and slice. It may have a place on a platter of cold cuts platter or fits a light salad as a starter.

Rinse the chicken, then tap it dry with kitchen papers. Lightly work your fingers in between the skin and flesh without piercing through the skin. Rub the chicken with salt and pepper.

Cut the chicken breast fillets into dices and place them into a food processor. Mince, then add the two eggs and the cooking cream. Mix them all well into a smooth cream. Pour the cream into a bowl. Cook the dried fruits in some water - or better in wine - for a few minutes, filter and add them along with the almonds to the processed chicken breast cream. Add the chopped parsley, cinnamon, cloves and the orange zest to the cream and fill the stuffing into a piping bag.

Slowly and evenly pipe the cream under the chicken’s skin. Rub salt and pepper into the bird’s cavity and place the chopped orange, carrot and the rosemary sprig into it. Tie the chicken’s legs with a string and lay it onto a roasting tin. Preheat oven to 165°C. Brush the bird with olive oil and roast it for an hour or until skin is golden brown and crispy. While roasting in the oven, bast it regularly with own drippings.

Serve it with raisin rice.

  • 1 whole chicken
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 1 orange
  • 1 carrot
  • oil
  • for the stuffing
  • 200 g chicken fillets
  • 2 eggs
  • 2,5 dl cooking cream
  • 100 g dried prunes without stones
  • 100 g dried apricots
  • 100 g of peeled whole almonds
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1-1 teaspoon ground cinammon and cloves
  • grated peel of an orange

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